Tuesday, November 12, 2013

World notice:: Don't pass this by without reading it, ITS UP TO YOU!

World notice:
 Don't pass this by without reading it, ITS UP TO YOU!

There is more plastic in the sea then there is plankton.
On average 40 -1 in some places like Asia , it’s much higher. When the plankton shuts down, as it is slowly doing already. For the need of sunlight to bloom, there will be no air to breath. Why?  80% of the oxygen we breathe comes from the sea. The rubbish that flows into the sea comes from in land, Its not just the water villages.

It’s mostly from drains.  Overflowing skips and people to lazy to walk to the skip or bin. They throw their rubbish /litter it into the streets, city drainage, Into the countryside, thinking it will go away, IT DOES NOT!!!! 
Cigarette ends too, do not go away. BIN IT properly. 

Attitudes of people must change!

Fish stocks already down by more than 60% reefs dying, Fish will be off the menu in less than 40 years. BIG FACT! 
So why is nothing done to stop all the rubbish that goes into the sea.
And over fishing and killing of breading fish, taking whole shoals, without returning anything. Locals who fish with nets, small mesh nets from small boats and large. And those who use throw nets leave dying, the small fish that could have grown. If put back. The fish left in the fry on jetties to die. There could have been food for other fish, or grow and bread for future stocks.

What is wrong with the human race? Why are you so selfish to yourselves and the natural world Nature that gives you life!

Over development. Run off from the land, Its all killing the life ring Ocean. It may be too late, but at least we can help slow it down. And hope it will recover.  Please share this, make it known to all.





  1. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/06/140613-ocean-trash-garbage-patch-plastic-science-kerry-marine-debris/?utm_source=NatGeocom&utm_medium=Email&utm_content=inside_20140619&utm_campaign=Content