Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Why is it your Responsibility to help save the planet. Is global warming for real?

Simply YES!  

If we do not stop and think of the consequences of where the rubbish goes, This is what's happening the world over.!

Everything we do, now affects more and more each day, the life of living oxygen-breathing life.

How so?

life on earth was not balanced for a race of destructive, over developing / Resource straining/trashing, killing for greed, uncaring creatures, Like what the human race stands for now!

We are trapped in our own demise, We have no future for our offspring, No hope, No productive light to a mends, What humanity, and its  ignorance and naive  attitude to living,  Humanity does not learn by mistake or by its fall of nations, it continues to pollute and destroy what keeps us living.


The land, creatures, Forests and the rivers and oceans are so unique, Even the water itself has been discovered to have some form of Consciousness. No, I am not ball shitting!

We are wrecking a fine balanced life form All linked up together, Remember the film Avatar.
Well, that's not far from the truth here on earth. As water is our life link to everything here and from the stars.

What's it got to do with our future?

Due to man's ignorance, Failure to understand, they want to embrace what is hard to understand, Cares for nothing but himself and money. From this,  Pollution,  from manufacturing, oil greed, plastics, and overdevelopment,. raping life for gain. killing and mass slaughter of animals on land and sea, taking more than we need, Taking life for granted. All this has now come to a peak where it's now Un reversible.

Asians overpopulating, with no control on childbirth. The held back the Chinese from having to many, Now the Chinese have made a breakthrough for elder women to have babies. WHY?

They are dumping waste on the Great Barrier reef, the largest life form on earth.
The forests that absorb the Co2 are being cut down.

In a day, it is estimated that approximately 240 square miles of rainforest are destroyed. This is equal to 153600 acres of land, an area roughly as large as the capital city of Japan. This also means that at least 100 species of plants and animals are destroyed daily. 

Loggers now are called illegal, to deter laws. and activists, But they are paid by governments back door, To do so and then they say, "Oh its been done, use the land for oil or whatever planting or development, the loggers are paid $30 to kill Orangs in Indonesia, Regarded as pests.

The truth is, The expanse of the devastation will fill their pockets for the next 30 years After this, we face the biggest break down in world resources,  Global warming will be if not will have taken its biggest part for nature to recover, We will not be on that list.  the truth is Government don't care. And what they know if releasing the truth, Would make world panic. 

The fish in the sea are depleting fast. As other marine life, land wildlife, insects bees, they are necessary for crop and wild plant pollination. 

the land is being reduced dramatically from overdevelopment that is needed for future food growth. 

Plastic in the oceans is unreversible and turning the sea toxic, Reducing Oxygen production, Increasing fast, the temperature, As carbon levels accelerate.  

What do we Do Build more airports throwing carbon into the clouds that make acid rain? And react and make the rainfall. 

less and less young people want to farm. So food now is at higher risk of not being produced. 

Worse, more and more people, More and more sewage, More and more cars, development, plastic, and production, that will not go away. 

More and more humans lose focus, Lose awareness. Lose reality of life/responsibility to why we are here. 

The BIG SO WHAT, WHAT DO I CARE IS GOING TO KILL HUMANITY AND THE FACE OF THE EARTH.  Nuclear war is now a bigger threat than ever, Sneaked under our noses.  

And it's not good praying to your God, as he has called the tests of man, And we have failed. 
the only chance we have now is for YOU! to act each day with awareness of all this, Spreading the word. Chin up and be proud to stand up against the underminers of the planet and the Human race. Slow the matter down, And maybe we will get another chance.

Why is it, You tell about what is and how to slow it down, to Stop this mass destruction on a slow increasing Doom. that people support But do nothing. The youngster just grin and laugh, WHY!

they think I am mad for going on about it, Where they play is full of rubbish, And they think it's funny, WHY, Who is the crazy one here,?

Now the rain forests are being taken away faster than ever.

Global warming what they do not tell you

So Mr bright spark hits the nail again on CO2 in the air.
You can only work out estimated content of the amount of CO2 in a can or bottled drink.
Due to the temperature and container, the density of the liquid. maths is quite complicated.
however! CO2 drinks put out more CO2 than any cattle or animal. Billions of soda drinks opened every day.
By Billions of people.
Co2 is also used as inert gas for welding. It has many other uses.
This the global warming experts think of this? When I put the question to them, with the facts of deforestation. I think a few heads hit the desk. The reply was. We have not thought about this and will look into it.
Think about it. Go back to your days at school.
Think about science lessons. Photosynthesis, and that chemistry or physics. Pressure and our environment!

Simply. we need an estimated quantity of rain forest or jungle that is 50,000 square miles in size for the planet to start righting its self.
once 14% covered the earth. now less than 4% that is not allot to absorb all the pollutants and CO2 put out before man threw the spanner in.

Not only losing the rain forest is killing the planet. we will soon start to feel tired, run down as we lack Oxygen.

us divers well, know that the makeup of air in basic physics. is Approximately 21% 78% nitrogen. 1% argon so what is the percentage of CO2 now. As it increases, and there are not enough trees to absorb it.
As the forests get cut down. the land cultivated for development and PAlm. That they cote in insecticide. Killing everything. Then after harvest Burnt, left for 4 years, The dust carried away to the oceans from rainfall.
This chokes up the sea bed and reefs that the sea plants give us 80% of the air that we breathe.

Hey! have you summed it up yet? Do we have a future within 10 years from now? Are you going to sit there and let this continue? Or are you going to act? Say No More. We want action! Oh, Co2 output. no more trees. less Oxygen. We are ......

Berhenti sampah membuang ke jalan-jalan, longkang, kawasan luar bandar, laut, notis Dunia

In malay :

Terdapat lebih banyak plastic di muka bumi terutamanya di laut berbanding jika pula dibandingkan nilai plankton yang ada. Dalam serbaguna lingkungan 40 ke 1 plankton di beberapa tempat di Asia, ada juga lebih tinggi daripada angka ini. 
Sekiranya tidak ada lagi plankton di kelautan luas. Untuk adanya rantai pemakanan yang membuat makanan dengan bantuan sinaran matahari maka teruknya untuk diperkatakan bahawa tiadalah udara oksigen yang berguna untuk bernafas. Mengapakah ini sedemikian? Kerana 80 peratus oksigen yang kita bernafas datang dari permukaan laut. Sisa kotor dan sampah sarap yang kita buang akan disalirkan kepada kelautan muka bumi yang luas dari tanah darat di persisiran pantai, dan ini bermaksud bukan sahaja di perkampungan laut. Ini biasanya disebut dari parit-parit dan longkang yang ada. 
Adakah kerana masyarakat amat malas untuk membuang sampah ke tong sampah yang sudah disediakan? 
Mereka dengan sengajanya meletakkan sampah sarap di tepi jalan, longkang, di sekitar perkampungan, dengan cara pemikiran bahawa sampah ini dengan secepatnya akan lenyap begitu sahaja. Tetapi, dengan hairannya ini dengan hal kebiasannya tidak berlaku. 
Itu termasuk juga putung rokok yang ada.
Sifat dan perlakuan manusia harus berubah. Fikir sebelum membuang sampah. 
Purata ikan di laut telah jatuh hingga 60 peratus, terumbu kurang makin terancam, sekiranya ini berlaku tiadalah ikan untuk gizi pemakanan dengan lebih 40 tahun yang akan datang. 
Dengan itu, mengapakah tidak ada tindakan untuk membenarkan ini daripada berlaku? Terutamanya penangkapan secara berleluasa, pembunuhan ikan yang member gizi, pengambilan ikan dari persisiran, tanpa mengembalikan apa yang ada. Penempatan yang menangkap ikan dengan menggunakan pukat, pukat tunda yang menggunakan jaring yang kecil. Adakah pendapat ini munasabah?



Yang hairannya, ikan dibenarkan mati tanpa membuang ikan-ikan ini ke pangkalan laut dan dibiarkan mati sahaja. Ini biasanya ikan-ikan kecil. 
Antaranya, ikan yang boleh membesar kemudian dan bersedia untuk pembiakan bagi generasi ikan-ikan yang akan datang. 
Apatah lagi, buat manusia yang tak berfikiran? Dan jalankan tauladan untuk persekitaran semula jadi untuk mengajar bahawa alam semulajadi bukan merupakan pembikinan manusia, tapi kita datang dari ilahi. 
Pembangunan yang tidak teratur. Biasanya dilakukan dengan tak terpinggir. Dengan itu, inilah yang difikirkan berdiskriminasi terhadap hidupan liar di laut. Mungkinkah ia sudah terlambat, tapi meskipun begitu, kita boleh melandaskan untuk ia samada diberhentikan atau berkesinambunagn. Kita boleh bertindak dengan memperlahankan atau menjanakan untuk perjalanan proses-proses keseimbangan. 
Harapan yang ada, adalah untuk membenarkan ia untuk terus member manfaat. Bantulah untuk berkongsi sama pendapatan. Dan menjadi satu akhlak fikri untuk pemberitahuan bagi semua.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

World notice:: Don't pass this by without reading it, ITS UP TO YOU!

World notice:
 Don't pass this by without reading it, ITS UP TO YOU!

There is more plastic in the sea then there is plankton.
On average 40 -1 in some places like Asia , it’s much higher. When the plankton shuts down, as it is slowly doing already. For the need of sunlight to bloom, there will be no air to breath. Why?  80% of the oxygen we breathe comes from the sea. The rubbish that flows into the sea comes from in land, Its not just the water villages.

It’s mostly from drains.  Overflowing skips and people to lazy to walk to the skip or bin. They throw their rubbish /litter it into the streets, city drainage, Into the countryside, thinking it will go away, IT DOES NOT!!!! 
Cigarette ends too, do not go away. BIN IT properly. 

Attitudes of people must change!

Fish stocks already down by more than 60% reefs dying, Fish will be off the menu in less than 40 years. BIG FACT! 
So why is nothing done to stop all the rubbish that goes into the sea.
And over fishing and killing of breading fish, taking whole shoals, without returning anything. Locals who fish with nets, small mesh nets from small boats and large. And those who use throw nets leave dying, the small fish that could have grown. If put back. The fish left in the fry on jetties to die. There could have been food for other fish, or grow and bread for future stocks.

What is wrong with the human race? Why are you so selfish to yourselves and the natural world Nature that gives you life!

Over development. Run off from the land, Its all killing the life ring Ocean. It may be too late, but at least we can help slow it down. And hope it will recover.  Please share this, make it known to all.
